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    Credit Transfers In TU
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    Tribhuvan University has implemented a 'credit transfer' for return students abroad from study abroad and studying abroad without completing the study. This system has been implemented in Nepal for the students who want to study other than semester or section, without completing the studies and outside the Nepal University. According to the suggestion of the three-member technical committee formed under the consolidation of the university, Dr. Vinit Aryay, Trivika Registrar, Dillamram Upreti, said that the implementation of the system was implemented. This system will be implemented at least 50 percent of the courses in higher education and the status of the related course of university having student exchange will be applicable to 80 percent. According to the existing rules of the trinity, complete level of study should be completed within six years. Even if there is a 'credit transfer', it will be within the same period. Kathmandu University has already implemented such policy. The Registrar Upreti, who was studying and working abroad abroad, should be asked to return home from the policy if he wants to do more studies and employment. 
    Some foreign universities, however, are able to benefit from this policy regardless of the difficulty of studying, but the students have not yet been clear about how many students are abroad and abroad. This system will be easy to implement in the semester system implemented in the university. 'We will apply this respectively through the applicant's requirement. The student is not so easy to transfer the student into a gradual level if the Trivia semester system will be smoothly applied to the above students. Trivy has already agreed to exchange educational, physical, scientific and human resources cooperation with over 160 universities and research centers in the country, the oldest and largest university in the country, which has completed the three-day mandate. There are 60 fingers and 1085 related campuses under the triangle. Currently, more than 300 foreign students, professors and researchers are affiliated in Tribhuwan university.

    Posted On : January 16, 2018
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