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From Rajesh Hamal to various celebrites, you can choose your avatar and play the game.
The background of the game can be mad in Nepal too. Various scenes like Mt. Everest, PashupatiNath can be made as the background image and you can play the game multiplayer via bluetooth or online. Developers have modified the game themes and customize it in their way. Sujan, one the developer from Nepal has customized the game theme and skins in Nepali taste. The modified version of the game allows you to play the game on the Nepali Map with mountains and many more. Also you can customize the Avatar face to Rajesh Hamal Face and can be customized with Nepali dresses.
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Tribhuvan University | Old Is Gold
Institute Of Science And Technology
Computer Science and Information Technology
Course: Probability and Statistics
Level: Bachelor | First Year | Semester: First | Year 2070 | Science
Full Marks: 60 | Pass Marks: 24 | Time: 3 Hrs
| Download - File Size: 104 kb | Question Paper Of 'Probability and Statistics' 2070 | CSIT | TU
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
All notations have the usual meanings.
Institute Of Science And Technology
Computer Science and Information Technology
Course: Probability and Statistics
Level: Bachelor | First Year | Semester: First | Year 2070 | Science
Full Marks: 60 | Pass Marks: 24 | Time: 3 Hrs
| Download - File Size: 104 kb | Question Paper Of 'Probability and Statistics' 2070 | CSIT | TU
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
All notations have the usual meanings.
Group A
Attempt any two: (2 x 10 = 20)
1. Explain with suitable examples the term 'dispersion'. State the relative and absolute measures of 'dispersion'. Describe merits and demerits of standard deviation. A merital arithmetic test for 8 questions given to a class of 32 pupils. The result were summarized in the following table.
Find the mean, median and mode of the number of correct answers. Describe the shape of the distribution.
2. Define independent and mutually exclusive events. Can two events be mutually exclusive and independent simultaneously? Support your answer with an example.
A factory has three machines A, B, C producing large number of a certain item if the daily production of the item 50% are produced on A, 30% on B and 20% on C. Record show that 2% of the item produced on A are defective, 3% of items produced on B are defective and 4% of items produced on C are defective. The occurrence of a defective item is independent of all other items.
One item is chosen at random from a day's total output.
a. Show that the probability of it being defective item is 0.027.
b. Given that it is defective, find the probability that is was produced on machine A.
3. Distinguish between correlation and Regression. Also point out the properties of regression coefficients. The following sample observation were randomly selected.
Determine the coefficient of correlation and coefficient of determination. Interpret the association between X and Y. Find the regression equation of Y on X.
Group B
Answer any eight questions: (8 x 5 = 40)
4. The continuous random variable X has the probability density function given by
Where K is constant
a) Find the value of K b) Find P(0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.6)
5. The marks of 500 candidates in an examination are normally distributed with a mean of 45 marks and standard deviation of 20 marks.
a) Give the pass marks 40, estimate the number of candidates who passed the examination.
b) If 5% of the candidate obtain a distinction by scoring x marks or more, estimate the value of x.
6. The joint density function of w and z is given by
Find b and marginal density function.
7. Mr X recorded number of e-mails be received over of 150 days with the following results.
a) Find the mean number of e-mails per day.
b) Calculate the frequencies of the passion distribution having the some mean.
8. Distinguish between the point estimation and interval estimation. Explain how an interval estimation is better than a point estimate.
9. Explain the concept of standard error. Discuss the role of standard error in large sample theory.
10. The random variable X has the probability distribution shown below
a) Find E(x) and V(x). b) Calculate E(Y) if Y = 3X + 2.
11. The mean life of a sample of 400 fluorescent light bulbs produces by a company is found to be 1570 hours with standard deviation of 150 hour. Test the hypothesis that the mean life time of the bulbs produced by the company is 1600 hrs. against the alternative hypothesis that it is greatly than 1600 of 5% level of significance.
12. Define binomial distribution. Is there any inconsistency in the statement that the mean of binomial distribution is 20 and standard deviation is 4. If no inconsistency is found what is the value of p, q and n.
13. Find the skewness of the following set of pertaining to kilowatt hours of electricity consumed by 100 persons in a city.
Also interpret the result.
Attempt any two: (2 x 10 = 20)
1. Explain with suitable examples the term 'dispersion'. State the relative and absolute measures of 'dispersion'. Describe merits and demerits of standard deviation. A merital arithmetic test for 8 questions given to a class of 32 pupils. The result were summarized in the following table.
Find the mean, median and mode of the number of correct answers. Describe the shape of the distribution.
2. Define independent and mutually exclusive events. Can two events be mutually exclusive and independent simultaneously? Support your answer with an example.
A factory has three machines A, B, C producing large number of a certain item if the daily production of the item 50% are produced on A, 30% on B and 20% on C. Record show that 2% of the item produced on A are defective, 3% of items produced on B are defective and 4% of items produced on C are defective. The occurrence of a defective item is independent of all other items.
One item is chosen at random from a day's total output.
a. Show that the probability of it being defective item is 0.027.
b. Given that it is defective, find the probability that is was produced on machine A.
3. Distinguish between correlation and Regression. Also point out the properties of regression coefficients. The following sample observation were randomly selected.
Determine the coefficient of correlation and coefficient of determination. Interpret the association between X and Y. Find the regression equation of Y on X.
Group B
Answer any eight questions: (8 x 5 = 40)
4. The continuous random variable X has the probability density function given by
Where K is constant
a) Find the value of K b) Find P(0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.6)
5. The marks of 500 candidates in an examination are normally distributed with a mean of 45 marks and standard deviation of 20 marks.
a) Give the pass marks 40, estimate the number of candidates who passed the examination.
b) If 5% of the candidate obtain a distinction by scoring x marks or more, estimate the value of x.
6. The joint density function of w and z is given by
Find b and marginal density function.
7. Mr X recorded number of e-mails be received over of 150 days with the following results.
a) Find the mean number of e-mails per day.
b) Calculate the frequencies of the passion distribution having the some mean.
8. Distinguish between the point estimation and interval estimation. Explain how an interval estimation is better than a point estimate.
9. Explain the concept of standard error. Discuss the role of standard error in large sample theory.
10. The random variable X has the probability distribution shown below
a) Find E(x) and V(x). b) Calculate E(Y) if Y = 3X + 2.
11. The mean life of a sample of 400 fluorescent light bulbs produces by a company is found to be 1570 hours with standard deviation of 150 hour. Test the hypothesis that the mean life time of the bulbs produced by the company is 1600 hrs. against the alternative hypothesis that it is greatly than 1600 of 5% level of significance.
12. Define binomial distribution. Is there any inconsistency in the statement that the mean of binomial distribution is 20 and standard deviation is 4. If no inconsistency is found what is the value of p, q and n.
13. Find the skewness of the following set of pertaining to kilowatt hours of electricity consumed by 100 persons in a city.
Also interpret the result.

- प्रमोद यादव ( इन्जिनियरिङ्ग विद्यार्थी )
विश्वले आईटीमा यति धेरै फड्को मारि सक्दा पनि नेपालमा भने आईटी शिक्षा बामे सर्दै गरेको अवस्थामा छ । केहि समय अगाडि नेपालका गृह तथा उपप्रधानमन्त्रीले मेसिन रिडेबल पासपोर्ट भारतलाई नै छाप्न दिनुको एउटा कारण नेपालमा आईटीको दक्षता नभएको उल्लेख गरे । यसबाट नै प्रष्ट हुन्छ कि हामी आईटी प्रबिधिमा कति पछाडि छौं ।
मधेसको कुरा गर्ने हो आईटीमा मधेस निकै पछाडी छ। दैनिक रुपमा काम लग्ने इमेल ,एस.एम.एस ,रिचार्ज जस्तो कुरा पनि धेरै मानिसलाई आउदैन। मधेसमा प्राय डक्टर , इन्जिनियर (सिविल ) जस्ता पढाई अभिभावकमाझ लोकप्रिय छ। तर अहिले आईटी पढाई धेरै अपरिहार्य भईसकेको छ। विदेश जाने युवाहरुलाई समान्य आईटीको तालिम दिन सक्यो भने धेरै ढुकुटी जुन मोबाइलमा खर्च हुन्छ त्यो बचन सक्छ। आजको युगमा फेसबुक ,एसकाइप जस्ता सोसल मेडियाले निशुल्क संचार स्थापित गरेको छ सही उपयोग गर्न सकियो भने यो निकै फाईदाजनक छ।
आज भन्दा १० वर्ष अगाडीको आइटी शिक्षा र आज को आइटी शिक्षाको तुलना गर्ने हो भने नेपालमा आइटी शिक्षाको विकासमा ठुलो फड्को मारिएको छ । त्यत्ति बेला आधिकारिक रुपले नेपालमा आइटी सम्वन्धी पाठ्यक्रम एउटा कुनै विषयको च्याप्टरको हिसाबले राखिन्थ्यो भने आज आएर भित्रि रुपले नियाल्ने हो भने आइटी शिक्षाको प्रायः हरेक कलेजको पाठ्यक्रममा कुनै न कुनै प्रकारले समाहीत गरेको पाईन्छ । यसका मुख्य २ कारण हुन सक्छन् । पहिलो बाहिरी मुलुकबाट आएको लहर जसले गर्दा आइटी शिक्षाको बारेमा जाँदै नजानेका विज्ञहरुले नेपालमा आइटी शिक्षाको शुरुवात गराउन बाध्य पार्यो र जे भए पनि शुरुवात चै भयो । अर्को कारण हो, नेपालका निजि स्तरका ठुल्ठुला कम्पनीहरुले आइटी सम्वन्धी विज्ञहरु बाहिरी मुलुकबाट झिकाउन बाध्य पार्यो । विस्तारै विस्तारै नेपाली आधिकारिक संस्थाहरुलाई यति ज्ञान त् भयो की नेपालमा आइटी शिक्षाको अभाव छ । यो क्षेत्रमा दक्ष जनशक्ति को उत्पादन गर्नु आवश्यक हैन अपरिहार्य नै भै सकेको छ । नतिजा सबैका सामुन्ने खुल्ला छ ।
मेरो प्राथमिक तहको पढाई सिरहामा नै भयो र कक्षा ८ को पढाई सकेर म बिराटनगर गए। यो कुरा करिब सात वर्ष पहिलेको हो। बाहिर बस्दा आफ्नो गाउ-ठाउको समाचार ,गतिबिधि सुन्ने कुनै स्रोत थिएन कहिले काहिँ ठुलो घटना भयो भने मात्र रेडियो कान्तिपुर र कान्तिपुर पत्रिकामा आउथियो। मेरो मन भित्रि देखि खिन्न भयो र मैले निधो गरे जसरी भएपनि आफ्नो ठाउँको लागी केहि गर्नुपर्यो जसले गर्दा आफ्नो गृहजिल्ला भन्दा बाहिर रहेको जोसुकैले ताजा गतिबिधि र समाचार पढ्न सकोस् र आजसम्म सिरहा जिल्लामा मात्र आधि दर्जन आनलाइन पत्रिका बनाई सके।खुशी लाग्छ आफ्नो जिल्लाको लागी काम गर्न।
यस्ता परिवर्तन कुनै किताबी पाठ्यक्रम नभई विद्यार्थीमा आत्मबल कसरि वढाउने, केहि गर्न सक्ने जोश जाँगर कसरि वढाउने र सबै भन्दा महत्वपुर्ण नयाँ आईडिया तथा इन्नेभेसबन का कुराहरु उनीहरुमा विकसीत गराउन सक्ने तरिकाहरुमा केन्द्रित हुनु पर्छ । हाम्रा पाठ्यक्रमहरुमा यी मध्ये कुनै एउटा पनि देखिन्न । सूचना प्रबिधि ले हामीलाई यति नजीक ल्याएको अवस्थामा हामी कुनै पनि पाठ्य सामग्रीहरुबाट टाढा छैनौ । हामीलाई विश्वमा अन्यत्र हुने कुनै पनि नँया शिक्षा प्रणालीमा अपनाउन तरिकाहरु खोज्न कसरत गरिरहनु पर्दैन । तै पनि किन हामी पछाडी छौ रु यसको जल्दोवल्दो उदाहरण आज प्रायः जसो हाम्रा आदरणीय नेताज्यूहरु ईमान्दार नहुनुमा उनीहरुमा र त्यस्तै उनीहरुमा सहि सोच र दूरगामी दृस्टी नहुनुले हो । उनीहरुले हाम्रा पाठ्यक्रमबाट विद्यार्थीहरु किताबी त बन्छन तर अन्वेषक बन्न सक्दैनन् भन्ने कुरा राम्ररी बुझेका छन् । उनीहरु धेरै जसोले आफै पनि हामीले पढेकै पाठ्यक्रम अपनाएर आएका हुन् । यो जान्दाजान्दै पनि नयाँ पुस्तालाई परिवर्तन गर्ने सोच छैन उनीहरुमा ।
आज भोलि आई टि ले सबै वर्ग र क्षेत्र लाई नै छोएको छ । हामि मध्ये प्रायःले आई टि को कुनै ज्ञान नै नभएको अवस्था मा पनि आई टि को प्रयोग गर्ने पर्ने जान्ने पर्ने वा भनौ त्यसमा संलग्नता नभएको खण्डमा त्यसको असर गाँस बाँस मा पर्न सक्ने सत्यता प्रायः सबैले बुझेकै हुनुपर्छ । यस्तो परिस्थीति हुँदाहुँदै पनि सरकारले आई टि संग सम्वन्धीत आधारभूत उपलब्ध गराउन सकेको छैन । प्रायः जसो सरकारी विद्द्यालयहरुमा पुराना, त्यसमाथिपनि चल्दै नचल्ने अवस्थाका कम्प्युटर थुप्रै ठाउँहरुमा रहेको देखिन्छन्।
त्येसैले अब आभिभावकहरुको विचारमा परिवर्तन हुन जरुरी छ र स्कूल संचालकहरुले पनि यो कुरामा सोच्नुपर्छ।
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A Unique collection of IOE Notes !! Give a boost to your IOE exam preparations with an exclusive collection of educational resources dedicated to help the IOE Students preparing for Regular or Back Examinations.
Syllabus for IOE Bachelor in Engineering
BE 1st Year Syllabus – Common for all programs
BE Faculty-wise Syllabus
First Year Subjects [Common for all programs]
Engineering Drawings – I
Engineering Drawings – II
Engineering Physics
Engineering Chemistry
Applied Mechanics
Engineering Mathematics
Workshop Technology
Basic Electrical Engineering
Basic Electronics Engineering
Computer Programming
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Top 25 Higher Secondary School (HSEB +2 Colleges) according to the Survey of Nepal Magazine 2069
The survey is based on the Performance in the annual examination conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board, Nepal Magazine has selected Top 25 Higher Secondary Schoos (+2 Colleges)l from all over Nepal. The competition was among all those higher Secondary School; where on average of 119 students appear in the annual examination. The number of average students was calculated by dividing the total number of students in grade 11 and 12, in all over Nepal by the total number of higher Secondary School whose students appeared in the academic year of 2068. Higher Secondary Schools, teaching less than these numbers of students are excluded from the study.
1. Prasadi Academy Higher Secondary School, Manbhawan, Lalitpur
2. St. Marys Higher Secondary School, Jwalakhel, Lalitpur
3. Kathmandu Higher Secondary School, Bagbazaar, Kathmandu
4. NCCS Higher Secondary School, Paknajol, Kathmandu
5. College of Business and Social Studies, Biratnagar, Morang
6. United Academy Higher Secondary School, Kumaripati, Lalitpur
7. Sagarmatha Higher Secondary School, Pokhara
8. Merryland HS School, Biratnagar, Morang
9. Global College of Management, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu
10. Little Angel’s Higher Secondary School, Hattiban, Lalitpur
11. National School of Sciences, NIST, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
12. ACE H S School, Naya Baneshwor, Kathmandu
13. Xavier Academy Higher Secondary School, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
14. Goldengate International Higher Secondary School, Kathmandu
15. Kathmandu Bonheart HSS, Kathmandu
16. Everest International, Kathmandu
17. Khowpa Higher Secondary School, Bhaktapur
18. Reliance International Academy , Chabhil Kathmandu
19. Sagarmatha Multiple College, Dillibazar, Kathmandu
20. Arniko HS School, Biratnagar, Morang
21. VS Niketan Higher Secondary School, Minbhawan, Kathmandu
22. Orchid Science Higher Secondary School, Bharatpur, Chitwan
23. Pinnacle Higher Secondary School, Thasikhel, Lalitpur
24. Xavier International College, Kalopul, Kathmandu
25. Himalayan WhiteHouse College, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu
2. St. Marys Higher Secondary School, Jwalakhel, Lalitpur
3. Kathmandu Higher Secondary School, Bagbazaar, Kathmandu
4. NCCS Higher Secondary School, Paknajol, Kathmandu
5. College of Business and Social Studies, Biratnagar, Morang
6. United Academy Higher Secondary School, Kumaripati, Lalitpur
7. Sagarmatha Higher Secondary School, Pokhara
8. Merryland HS School, Biratnagar, Morang
9. Global College of Management, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu
10. Little Angel’s Higher Secondary School, Hattiban, Lalitpur
11. National School of Sciences, NIST, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
12. ACE H S School, Naya Baneshwor, Kathmandu
13. Xavier Academy Higher Secondary School, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
14. Goldengate International Higher Secondary School, Kathmandu
15. Kathmandu Bonheart HSS, Kathmandu
16. Everest International, Kathmandu
17. Khowpa Higher Secondary School, Bhaktapur
18. Reliance International Academy , Chabhil Kathmandu
19. Sagarmatha Multiple College, Dillibazar, Kathmandu
20. Arniko HS School, Biratnagar, Morang
21. VS Niketan Higher Secondary School, Minbhawan, Kathmandu
22. Orchid Science Higher Secondary School, Bharatpur, Chitwan
23. Pinnacle Higher Secondary School, Thasikhel, Lalitpur
24. Xavier International College, Kalopul, Kathmandu
25. Himalayan WhiteHouse College, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu
A reputed company that represents an international company and assists in business development and execution of turnkey projects involving design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of complete electromechanical components for hydropower, is seeking for dynamic, self-driven and result oriented personnel with excellent interpersonal skill as well as outgoing personality for the positions listed below:
1. Job Title: Mechanical Engineer
Required: One
Location: Kathmandu with frequent visits to sites
Qualification: Bachelors degree in Mechanical engineering with one year of experience in hydropower sector OR Diploma in Mechanical engineering with 3 years of experience in the same field.
Job Role: Be a part of business development team by sharing and providing technical expertise to the management.
2. Job Title: Electrical Engineer
Required: One
Location: Kathmandu with frequent visits to sites
Qualification: Bachelors degree in Electrical engineering with one year of experience in hydropower sector ORDiploma in Electrical engineering with 3 years of experience in the same field.
Job Role: Be a part of business development team by sharing and providing technical expertise to the management.
Deadline to apply: 23 May, 2017
Apply with:
- Updated CV
- Cover Letter clearly mentioning the expected salary
Apply via: ravi.chhetri.ape@gmail.com
Note: Only short-listed candidates will be called for an interview.
Type In Nepali ,Nepali Translation,Nepali Unicode
क | क | का | कि | की | कु | कू | कृ | कॄ | के | कै | को |
कौ | कॅ | कॉ | कं | कः | कँ | कऽ | क् | कें | क्या | क्रि |
ख | ख | खा | खि | खी | खु | खू | खृ | खॄ | खे | खै | खो |
खौ | खॅ | खॉ | खं | खः | खँ | खऽ | ख् | ख़्या | खीं | ख्या |
ग | ग | गा | गि | गी | गु | गू | गृ | गॄ | गे | गै | गो |
गौ | गॅ | गॅ | गं | गः | गँ | गऽ | ग् | गाँ | गां | ग्र |
घ | घ | घा | घि | घी | घु | घू | घृ | घॄ | घे | घै | घो |
घौ | घॅ | घॉ | घं | घः | घँ | घऽ | घ् | घुँ | घों | घूँ |
ङ | ङ | ङा | ङि | ङी | ङु | ङू | ङृ | ङॄ | ङे | ङै | ङो |
ङौ | ङॅ | ङॉ | ङं | ङः | ङँ | ङऽ | ङ् |
च | च | चा | चि | ची | चु | चू | चृ | चॄ | चे | चै | चो |
चौ | चॅ | चॉ | चं | चः | चँ | चऽ | चाँ | चां | चिं | चूँ |
छ | छ | छा | छि | छी | छु | छू | छृ | छॄ | छे | छै | छो |
छौ | छॅ | छॉ | छं | छः | छँ | छऽ | छाँ | छीं | छैं | छौं |
ज | ज | जा | जि | जी | जु | जू | जृ | जॄ | जे | जै | जो |
जौ | जॅ | जॉ | जं | जः | जँ | जऽ | ज् | ज़्या | जाँ |
झ | झ | झा | झि | झी | झु | झू | झृ | झॄ | झे | झै | झो |
झौ | झॅ | झॉ | झं | झः | झँ | झऽ | झुँ | झाँ | झां | झों |
ञ | ञ | ञा | ञि | ञी | ञु | ञू | ञृ | ञॄ | ञे | ञै | ञो |
ञौ | ञॅ | ञॉ | ञं | ञः | ञँ | ञऽ | ञ् |
ट | ट | टा | टि | टी | टु | टू | टृ | टे | टै | टो | टाै |
टं | ट: | टँ | टऽ | टुँ | टाँ | टां | टों |
ठ | ठ | ठा | ठि | ठी | ठु | ठू | ठृ | ठॄ | ठे | ठै | ठो |
ठौ | ठॅ | ठॉ | ठं | ठः | ठँ | ठऽ | ठ् | ठूँ | ठूं | ठें | ठों |
ड | ड | डा | डि | डी | डु | डू | डृ | डॄ | डे | डै | डो |
डौ | डॅ | डॉ | डं | ड: | डँ | डऽ | ड् | डां | ड्यू | ड्रा | ड्री |
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- Nepali Alphabets:
⇒ 12 Vowels:अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ए ऐ ओ औ अं अँ
⇒ 36 Consonants:क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञा ट ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न प फ ब भ म य र ल व श ष स ह क्ष त्र ज्ञ
⇒ Full Stop (पूर्ण बिराम) -।
ढ | ढ | ढा | ढि | ढी | ढु | ढू | ढृ | ढॄ | ढे | ढै | ढो |
ढौ | ढॅ | ढॉ | ढं | ढः | ढँ | ढऽ | ढ् | ढ़ाँ | ढ़ूँ | ढाँ | ढूं |
ण | ण | णा | णि | णी | णु | णू | णृ | णॄ | णे | णै | णो |
णौ | णॅ | णॉ | णं | णः | णँ | णऽ | ण् |
त | त | ता | ति | ती | तु | तू | तृ | तॄ | ते | तै | तो | |
तौ | तॅ | तॉ | तं | तः | तँ | तऽ | तें | तें | त्यौ | त्रा | त्रि | त्या |
थ | थ | था | थि | थी | थु | थू | थृ | थॄ | थे | थै | थो | |
थौ | थॅ | थॉ | थं | थः | थँ | थऽ | थाः | थीं | थैं | थ्र | थ्रि | थ्री |
द | द | दा | दि | दी | दु | दू | दृ | दॄ | दे | दै | दो | |
दौ | दॅ | दॉ | दं | दः | दँ | दऽ | दें | द्र | द्वा | द्वि | द्वी | द् |
ध | ध | धा | धि | धी | धु | धू | धृ | धॄ | धे | धै | धो | |
धौ | धॅ | धॉ | धं | धः | धँ | धऽ | ध् | धाँ | धां | धुँ | धुं | ध्व |
न | न | ना | नि | नी | नु | नू | नृ | नॄ | ने | नै | नो |
नौ | नॅ | नॉ | नं | नः | नँ | नऽ | निं | नीं | न्या | न्यू |
प | प | पा | पि | पी | पु | पू | पृ | पॄ | पे | पै | पो |
पौ | पॅ | पॉ | पं | पः | पँ | पऽ | पाँ | प्या | प्र | प्रा | प्रे |
फ | फ | फा | फि | फी | फु | फू | फृ | फॄ | फे | फै | फो |
फौ | फॅ | फॉ | फं | फः | फँ | फऽ | फ़्रां | फ़्लू | फ्रां | फ् |
ब | ब | बा | बि | बी | बु | बू | बृ | बॄ | बे | बै | बो |
बौ | बॅ | बॉ | बं | बः | बँ | बऽ | बाँ | बां | बैं | ब्रा |
भ | भ | भा | भि | भी | भु | भू | भृ | भॄ | भे | भै | भो |
भौ | भॅ | भॉ | भं | भः | भँ | भऽ | भां | भिं | भें | भ्र |
म | म | मा | मि | मी | मु | मू | मृ | मॄ | मे | मै | मो |
मौ | मॅ | मॉ | मं | मः | मँ | मऽ | माँ | मां | मुं | में |
य | य | या | यि | यी | यु | यू | यृ | यॄ | ये | यै | यो |
यौ | यॅ | यॉ | यं | यः | यँ | यऽ | याँ | यां | यूँ | यहाँ |
र | र | रा | रि | री | रु | रू | रृ | रॄ | रे | रै | रो |
रौ | रॅ | रॉ | रं | रः | रँ | रऽ | राँ | रां | रिं | रैं |
ल | ल | ला | लि | ली | लु | लू | लृ | लॄ | ले | लै | लो |
लौ | लॅ | लॉ | लं | लः | लँ | लऽ | लिं | लूँ | लूं | लें |
व | व | वा | वि | वी | वु | वू | वृ | वॄ | वे | वै | वो |
वौ | वॅ | वॉ | वं | वः | वँ | वऽ | विं | वीं | वें | व्य | व्हा |
श | श | शा | शि | शी | शु | शू | शृ | शॄ | शे | शै | शो |
शौ | शॅ | शॉ | शं | शः | शँ | शऽ | शां | श्र | श्रे | श्रो |
ष | ष | षा | षि | षी | षु | षू | षृ | षॄ | षे | षै | षो |
षौ | षॅ | षॉ | षं | षः | षँ | षऽ | ष् |
स | स | सा | सि | सी | सु | सू | सृ | सॄ | से | सै | सो |
सौ | सॅ | सॉ | सं | सः | सँ | सऽ | सिं | स्था | स्थि | स्व | स्वा |
ह | ह | हा | हि | ही | हु | हू | हृ | हॄ | हे | है | हो |
हौ | हॅ | हॉ | हं | हः | हँ | हऽ | हाँ | हिं | हूँ | हूं | हो |
क्ष | क्ष | क्षा | क्षि | क्षी | क्षु | क्षू | क्षृ | क्षॄ | क्षे | क्षै | क्षो |
क्षौ | क्षॅ | क्षॉ | क्षं | क्षः | क्षँ | क्षऽ | क्ष् | क्षमा |
त्र | त्र | त्रा | त्रि | त्री | त्रु | त्रू | त्रृ | त्रे | त्रै | त्रो | त्राै |
त्रं | त्रँ | त्र् | त्रसित |
ज्ञ | ज्ञ | ज्ञा | ज्ञि | ज्ञि | ज्ञी | ज्ञु | ज्ञू | ज्ञृ | ज्ञॄ | ज्ञे | ज्ञै |
ज्ञो | ज्ञौ | ज्ञॅ | ज्ञॉ | ज्ञं | ज्ञः | ज्ञँ | ज्ञऽ | ज्ञ् | ज्ञान |